Sunday, December 16, 2007

Follow d Phil's Way??

For previous few days, I keep on studying the way of how Phil choosing d rite share. The piority is ROE average, then follow by NTA growth, EPS growth, Revenue growth and Cash in hand growth. Off course, to me... DPS also a very important point. As the more I understand bout financial freedom, the more I believe that putting money in FD is not a smart choice. I rather choose a good fundamental share with high DPS, thought the share's price wont fluctuate a lot, but at least I can get a high pay dividend frm it. I start believing long term investment. By studying the share in detail, keeps me away frm those high PE share. Those high PE share, are those share that falls sharply when d big bear near. I notice few gd share by using above method. Later will have it posted.

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